Costs and Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

Everyone wants to look their best. Unfortunately, some people have genes that cause them to grow hair in places they'd rather have smooth. When it comes to unwanted hair, there are a few ways to remove it. Some people are patient enough to remove hair by shaving, plucking or waxing. Others take a more permanent approach and see a doctor to take care of their problem. Although a woman might be able to get waxed at just about any spa, they need a doctor to have the hair permanently removed with a laser.

Who is a Candidate for Laser Hair Removal?

Although lasers might have an effect on just about anyone's hair, some people get more complete results. Women who have fair skin and dark hair are more likely to get the results they want when they see a cosmetic dermatology professional. It's important for anyone considering laser hair removal to avoid sun exposure or tanning prior for a few weeks prior to their session to avoid darkening the skin and making it more difficult to remove the hair with a laser.

What to Expect During Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Potential patients should expect their cosmetic dermatology provider to tell them whether they can expect the laser to be effective or not based on the color of their skin and hair. In cases in which the patient may not be a good candidate, a doctor may advise them of other options available to help them get rid of unwanted hair on their body. Patients who go through with the procedure should not expect to experience pain, even though laser light is used to kill the hair follicle. The best lasers today use a cooling tool to protect the skin and reduce discomfort.

The amount of time a treatment takes depends on area being treated. For example, legs take much longer than underarms. Laser treatment is much more efficient than waxing and can be completed much more quickly. After several treatments with a laser, patients could expect the hair to be completely eradicated.

Laser treatment is the most effective way to remove unwanted body hair permanently. It may also be the most expensive one-time cost associated with hair removal. However, other methods, such as waxing and shaving, may cost more over a lifetime. One of the best ways to decide whether to get laser treatment is for a woman to determine whether the time she would save by never having to shave or wax again would be worth the expense of treatment.
